Anticipation for an upcoming vacation fills you with excitement as you meticulously plan your itinerary and envision the thrilling adventures awaiting you.
However, amidst this eagerness, a lingering concern lurks in the shadows – the unsettling prospect of nausea creeping in as you set off on your journey.
Whether traversing winding mountain roads, enduring turbulent flights over vast oceans, or embarking on serene cruises along tranquil waters, the unwelcome specter of motion sickness threatens to cast a pall over your travel aspirations.
Here are some tips to help you get through a car ride if you have travel sickness;
Avoid eating right before starting your trip. Consuming food or beverages just before getting in a car, or indulging in heavy eating and drinking, might heighten the likelihood of experiencing travel sickness. Overeating can already lead to discomfort, and when coupled with motion sickness, it can trigger feelings of nausea and potentially result in vomiting.
Pick the correct seat. Sitting in the middle seats or toward the rear of a vehicle can induce motion sickness. Research suggests that occupying the front passenger seat is the optimal choice for individuals prone to motion sickness.
Chew gum. Chewing gum has been known to aid in the reduction and prevention of motion sickness. The act of chewing releases certain chemicals that could assist in mitigating symptoms.
Put on some music. Listening to music is an effective method to help prevent motion sickness. It’s also a preferable option compared to reading or using your phone to keep yourself occupied. Music can release chemicals and hormones that uplift your mood and may even alleviate any existing symptoms of travel sickness.
Consider ventilation. Ensure there’s a constant flow of fresh, clean air around you. Proper ventilation can significantly decrease the likelihood of experiencing motion sickness and help prevent feelings of nausea.
Socialize. Avoid overthinking or becoming overstimulated, as both can trigger motion sickness. Engaging in conversation with fellow passengers in the car is one of the most effective ways to divert your mind. If you’re traveling alone, consider calling a friend to keep yourself occupied.
Try taking a nap. Even moderate levels of stimulation can induce motion sickness. The combination of motion and various scents can sometimes overwhelm the senses. Taking a short nap during the car ride can be a helpful strategy to alleviate travel discomfort.
The environment you’re in greatly influences the intensity of motion sickness you experience. Being mindful of your surroundings before embarking on a car journey and taking preventive measures can effectively reduce or even prevent motion sickness.
Additionally, there are several medications available that might provide relief from symptoms.