The dynamic duo of content creator Sharon Mwangi and musician Kagwe Mungai has officially announced their decision to part ways, sending shockwaves through their fan base.
In an unfiltered Instagram update last Friday, they candidly disclosed the news to their followers, fostering an atmosphere of transparency.
“We truly appreciate your presence in our journey, and we want to be honest with you all, even though it feels a bit awkward to share this publicly,” the statement read.
They emphasized their awareness of how easily facts could be misinterpreted, urging their audience to regard anything heard or read elsewhere as likely fiction or mere assumptions.
They went on further to clarify that the truth was their decision to lovingly separate as a couple, reflecting on their extraordinary journey together characterized by deep love and affection.
“We want you to know that the love we share is still very much present, albeit transforming into a beautiful new form—a chance for both of us to thrive separately on our respective journeys,” they explained.
“Additionally, we want to emphasize that there’s absolutely no animosity between us,” they added. “We encourage all our supporters to view this as two close friends acknowledging the need for personal growth and space to pursue our individual paths towards fulfillment.”
They stated that they wouldn’t entertain any further discussions on the matter and expressed their sincere gratitude for understanding and respecting their privacy. They extended their thanks to everyone who had supported, prayed, and rooted for them.