Drama unfolded when parents and students from Mabwaita Primary School in Bureti, Kericho County, stormed the nearby Sosit Primary School to protest what they called the unfair transfer of their headteacher.
The situation became tense as the group disrupted learning at Sosit Primary School, demanding that their headteacher be returned to Mabwaita.
The protest, which included parents, students, and members of the Board of Management (BOM), started after they felt their concerns had been ignored.
They had previously written a letter to the Ministry of Education a week before, asking for the transfer to be reversed, but there was no response.
Frustrated, they decided to take matters into their own hands and marched five kilometers to Sosit Primary School to continue their protest.
The BOM members and parents expressed their disappointment over the headteacher’s abrupt transfer, especially since he had only been at Mabwaita for less than a year.
They argued that under his leadership, the school had experienced significant improvements, and his sudden departure had left them in a difficult position.
One parent shared, “Our headteacher was here for just six months, but he managed to turn the school around. Before he came, Mabwaita Primary was in a state of crisis.”
Since his arrival, the headteacher had played a key role in increasing the number of students from just 50 to 300 and reducing negative behaviors among the pupils.
His impact on the school was widely appreciated, and the parents and BOM felt his transfer was unjust.
For over three hours, the group stood their ground, blocking learning at Sosit Primary School. They were adamant that the headteacher should be returned to their school.
Eventually, the situation caught the attention of local police, who were called in to calm things down. However, the intervention of the police was not welcomed by the protesters.
One parent expressed their frustration, saying, “Instead of the Ministry of Education coming to address us, they sent security forces. We came here to discuss an education issue, but instead, we have people from the Ministry of the Interior, which is very disappointing.”
The police, on the other hand, emphasized that their role was only to restore order and suggested that the parents should have approached the Education Ministry directly instead of resorting to protests.
A police spokesperson noted, “The transfer of teachers is a government matter and quite common. The parents should have followed the proper channels by going to the Ministry of Education rather than causing disruptions.”
After a meeting between the parents and the local police, the situation was brought under control, and normal activities resumed.
However, the parents remained hopeful that the Ministry of Education would reconsider its decision and bring back their headteacher, as they strongly believed he was vital to the school’s continued success.
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