A middle-aged woman residing in Eldoret is appealing to law enforcement authorities to pursue and arrest her boyfriend who works for the Kenya Defence Forces after claims of brutal assault following a night out.
Reports indicated that the woman was invited by the KDF soldier to visit him in Murang’a at the beginning of the year to spend time together.
However, what was to be a night out turned to be a gruesome affair, according to the woman, as she claimed she was abducted and subjected to brutality.
She detailed that the meetup was scheduled in Murang’a town, after which the duo proceeded to Maragua Forest.
Following a brutal assault, the suspect allegedly transferred money from the woman’s phone to his before leaving her in the forest.

“I passed through hell that night. He left me in the forest before I crawled to the neighouring compound where I was helped by an elderly man to report the matter to a police station,” she stated.
Following the incident, she reported the matter to Eldoret Central Police Station but accused the officers of treating the incident lightly.
She claimed that four months later, the KDF soldier still walks Scott free while she lives in fear of repercussions.
“I have all the evidence to show that I know this man and we have been relating as friends who come from the same area,” she added claiming that she recently received threats from the military officer.

“I am wondering why it is so hard for the police to help me, yet I have given them all the required information to help them arrest the suspect. My life is in danger.”
Speaking to the press, Uasin Gishu Police boss Benjamin Mwanthi noted that matters involving the military were complicated as upon completion of investigations, the file is forwarded to KDF for internal processes.
He, however, noted that police officers were actively conducting investigations to nab the culprit.