Juja residents have taken to the streets to protest after a tragic incident where a 4-year-old boy was mauled by a hyena.
The demonstration has caused a section of Thika Road at Ndarugu to be blocked.
Residents are expressing their frustration with the frequent attacks by wild animals, which have terrorized the community.
This is not an isolated event, as there have been numerous reports of hyena attacks in the area, with both children and adults falling victim to these predators.
Recent cases include the mauling of a 10-year-old boy in Nyacaba village and a series of other attacks, leaving the community in fear and demanding action from authorities.
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In another part of the country, similar issues have been reported in Rongai, where lions have been seen roaming near residential areas.
There have been reports of lions attacking and killing dogs, raising concerns about the safety of the residents.
The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has been called upon to address these wildlife-human conflicts, but the incidents continue to raise alarm, with many citizens feeling that more needs to be done to protect them from such dangerous encounters.
The calls for immediate intervention by KWS and increased compensation for victims highlight the need for better wildlife management strategies.