Morara Kebaso, a 28-year-old lawyer and entrepreneur, has gained widespread attention for his impersonations of President William Ruto. Initially, he rose to fame on TikTok, where his near-perfect mimicry of Ruto’s speeches, gestures, and mannerisms captivated audiences.
Morara has become known for his civic education skits, where he uses humor and satire to address governance issues and critique the state of various government projects.
Despite being an entertainer, Morara’s work carries significant political commentary.
He travels around Kenya inspecting government projects, funded by contributions from Kenyans who support his mission.
His civic engagement videos often draw at tention to stalled or incomplete projects, offering a sharp critique of the current administration. Interestingly,
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Morara does not intend to enter politics, focusing instead on educating the public and holding the government accountable through his online content.
In addition to his online fame, Morara manages a successful furniture business that employs dozens of people.
His journey to success wasn’t easy—he faced personal challenges, including run-ins with the law during his university years.
Today, his activism has earned him both admiration and controversy, but he remains undeterred, despite facing threats and surveillance.