A tragic incident recently occurred in Kakamega County, Kenya, where a small-scale businesswoman died by suicide after losing KSh 60,000 in a gambling session on an online betting platform called Aviator.
The woman reportedly used funds from her business in hopes of winning, but the loss left her distressed.
She was later found dead inside her shop, and witnesses noted that she seemed troubled before her death but had not openly shared her struggles with others.
The local chief and police confirmed that the incident is under investigation, and authorities have urged residents to seek help when facing personal difficulties to prevent such tragedies.
Gambling addiction has become a growing concern in Kenya, with more people turning to betting in pursuit of quick financial gains, but often resulting in devastating losses.
This heartbreaking event highlights the emotional and financial toll that gambling can have on individuals and their families, emphasizing the need for greater awareness and support for those affected by addiction.